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  • Vancouver Island Land Use Plan documents relevant to SMZ 19 on Quadra Island

    The main documents of the Vancouver Island Land Use Plan, which included Quadra, Read and Cortes, are shown below. To discern the meaning implied by the “intermediate level of biodiversity emphasis” established for SMZ 19 on Quadra Island, other snippets of information are included below the main documents.

    The document below is the Higher Level Plan Order signed by the ministers of environment, forest and mines that implemented the plan.


    Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan, 2000

    Description for Special Management Zone 19 (Quadra Island)

    The document immediately below is a 2-page excerpt from the much longer full Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan, which follows below.


    Vancouver Island Summary Land Use Plan, 2000

    The document below provides details about each Special Management Zone and Resource Management Zone established by the plan, including such details as planning priority. Development of the Quadra-Cortes Landscape Plan was given “high” priority. As of mid 2022, a landscape level plan for Quadra Island hasn't been developed.


    The Vancouver Island Land Use Plan appendices

  • What is implied by an "Intermediate" level of biodiversity emphasis, as was assigned to SMZ 19?

    SMZ 19 on Quadra Island is in the CWH biogeoclimatic unit and is in the Natural Disturbance Type 2 (NDT2) zone. For “intermediate” level of biodiversity emphasis (denoted as “I” in the table below, from the BC Biodiversity Guidebook), that means a recommended seral stage distribution for mature plus old forest of greater than 34 percent, where old forest is greater than 9 percent. 



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