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  • Protect the superlative natural beauty
  • Pictograph of a deer in Toba Inlet

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  • Traditional territories of First Nations as outlined in their respective Statements of Intent

    Use the + or - buttons to zoom in or out of the map. You can pan around the map by clicking on it and and dragging. Click on any point to see which First Nation has identified that area as being traditional territory. Note: There are significant areas of overlap of traditional territories. Also, this map has not been updated by the Province; it shows territory claimed by We Wai Kai Nation as being claimed by “Laich-Kwil-Tach Council of Chiefs,” a negotiating association of First Nations in which We Wai Kai Nation are no longer participating.


    Treaty Lands

    Use the + or - buttons to zoom in or out of the map. You can pan around the map by clicking on it and and dragging. Click on any coloured area to see particulars about those treaty lands.


    First Nations place names

    The map below shows First Nations place names (in purple) and official BC geographical place names in black. This is a work in progress.

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